
 James Petersen


sententiæ blog posts

On this blog, I try to stay with items of concern to educators. I go into policy questions, learning and teaching, and other items of interest to professionals in public education.

my WP journal

My Wordpress Journal is my newest effort. It began as a way to teach myself the intricacies of using Wordpress so that I could show others. This space is evolving more of an Arts, Sciences, History, and Culture flavor punctuated by a few rants.

I’m on linkedin

I have a general professional profile on Linkedin - it seems almost obligatory these days.

I have various galleries: here, here, here, and here

I also maintain a number of galleries of photographs and graphics. This category is growing out of all proportion and it’s sometimes hard to remember which is which.

collimator is a device that narrows a beam of particles or waves. It causes the directions of motion to become more aligned… I find myself getting spread all over the web so one of the things I do is to bring some of these pieces and presences together in one place…